Monday, June 29, 2009

Tears in and from Heaven....

By the the the the the months
I have watched you..I have said prayers for myself hope that you will come home..
I live each moments of my days praying for conversion...for forgiveness...
Till hopes are still for you
Why are you still living in continuous denial?
What is it that will make you move on and make everyone happy for once..
Is it me Lord?
Have I been praying for the wrong reasons and issues...
Is it for my own benefit?
Whatever it is Lord..Give me the strength..courage and perseverance to go down this unfavourable order for your child to come back to you...
Feed me with your living that I will be the channel for you to unite your child to your bleeding heart...
Come Lord...send me your angels and saints to help and guide me thru this...

In your most precious blood and name Lord Jesus I pray...Amen


Lavenders and roses...the two flowers that are so fascinating..their smells...lingers on and on... and it can drives away my stressful days...well for me at least...thank you Lord for these beautiful flowers...lavenders..reminds me of that beautiful church...St Paul in Rome...and roses...that reminds me of the Blessed Virgin Mary...the secrets of the rosary...every Hail Mary that we pray is a beautiful rose that we present to Mother Mary...

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Sunday School - Bible Study 2

21st June 2009...Sunday School resumes today...the class turned up was satisfactory...and the lesson for today was..Jesus's Baptism. The class starts with the Baptismal Renewal rites...there were alot of puzzled looks on the faces of the young ones...but anyway lessons continues...

Matthew 3:13-17....The Baptism...
John The Baptist was not willing to baptist Jesus because HE was much greater than John and furthermore Jesus was sinless. Nevertheless Jesus insists on being baptised by John in his obedience to God's will and to show that he was one with all fulfill what the scriptures says and to accept the mission that GOD had given him....nya panjai mai tu the children takes many to digest...hopes it gets into their system...

While for us...what does it means?
The usage of water in baptism...what does it symbolised...water to quench our thirsts...for God The Almighty...and water as an agent for cleansing and cleaning..a renewed person...body,mind and soul..
God also places a special mark or sign on us that cannot be erased...we became children of God and we called GOD...Our Heavenly Father and we belongs to the Catholic Church...with it comes spiritual support,sacraments and prayers...our responsibilities to follow teachings of the church,serving others and helping others..
We also receives the the gift of the Holy Spirit who becomes our special friend...then we are all being called to share in God's mission.... this too much to handle for my Bible Study 2...for one beautiful sunday morning...may GOD blesses them for the following week ahead...

It is not easy to get the attention of these children...some are shy..quiet..the girls..while for the boys...well..what can I say...the usual comments for boys...

Bye for now...bumbleebee buzzes off...

Thursday, June 18, 2009

19th June 2009 - The Scared Heart of Jesus

O Scared Heart of Jesus...
The Heart that mankind despise...
The Heart that was pierced by the lance...
The Heart that was brokened thru and thru by our sins
The Heart that continuously forgives us
Eventhough we sinned again and again...

Today O Lord...
We surrender ourselves to you
We pray for continuous healing & deliverance
We pray for Christ to move our heart and to cling to HIM
We pray for Christ to draw our heart close to his Scared Heart
We pray for Christ to mould us and to shape us into his own self image
And to grant us to love and adore HIS MOST SCARED HEART...

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Proverbs Chpt 3 - Guidance for the Young

Dedicated to all the The Young Ones who are in my life....

My son, do not forget my law
But let your heart keep my commands
For length of days and long life
And peace they will add to you

Let not mercy and truth forsake you
Bind them around your neck
Write them on the tablet of your heart
And so find favor and high esteem
In the sight of God and man

Trust in the Lord with all your heart
And lean not on your understanding
In all your ways acknowledge Him
And he shall direct your paths

Do not be wise in your own eyes
Fear the Lord and depart from evil
It will be health to your flesh
And strength to your bones

Simon Sudin Manja's 52nd Birthday

15th June 2009...was your 52nd birthday....maaf yah...only managed to do posting today....still resting....I pray that the Lord will continue to bless you with good health..and to grant you the graces to being able to unite yourself to Christ and that the precious blood of Christ will purify and cleansed you every single day....

FR.RUFUS PEREIRA'S Retreat...9th - 12 th June 2009

9th June 2009

What a blessing indeed...drove the new Vios to Sibu for Fr Rufus 's Healing & Deliverance passengers were...Yen..Yon..Rex and Titom...convoy together with my sisters in Christ...Rita..the 2 Pats and not forgetting Gavin..we left at 11:00 am...stop over at selangau for lunch....and we went to sibu town for further "jalan-jalan cari makan" session... around 5:00pm we arrived at The Pastoral Centre...ready to freshen up and dinner time .....mamam again...
After dinner...the 1st session was introduction from Fr Rufus....and he is one of the most respected Catholic priests in the Ministry of Healing & Deliverance in the Catholic Church worldwide.

1oth - 11th June 2009

The day starts with breakfast at 7:00am and right after the talks begun...for the next 2 days.
In between talks and at the end...fellow brothers and sisters from Bintulu..Miri..Kuching..Sibu were waiting to meet Fr Rufus...and I managed to do so...with much perseverance in waiting...although it was not my turn...just waiting and praying that if the Lord wants me to see Fr Rufus in person..then it will happen...and with God's graces he granted it...I went in to see him at around 23:00 hrs...

On the evening of 11th June 2009...there was a Mass & Faith Rally at Sacred Heart Cathedral...but I decided not to go...the girls went with their aunty Rita.
Bishop Dominic Su conducted Mass at the chapel & praying over session...together with the Healing & Counselling Group from the Philippines. I managed to get hold of Bishop Su and went for a counselling session with him...when the 2 minutes allowance was extended to like 30 minutes...

12th June 2009

I believe that the most awaited moment was the Praying Over by Fr Rufus...and most of us there were slain by the Holy Spirit...a healing and deliverance process...
A remark made by Fr Rufus...we have to pray for the continuos healing to take place...this somehow strikes my head...and yes....upon reaching home...I continued to pray for healing and I was immersed in that peacefull feelings like 4 days longer "congested" emptiness... but with a different kind...indeed when you really surrender all your burden..worries...the trials...up to the Lord...HE will takes it all...because HE loves us...

I am glad and very happy that the girls came together with me during this retreat...mind you dear bro & sis in christ...children..young people have an equivalent amount of deep hurts within them that we parents do not acknowledge or even aware of it...Charraine and Pheonne have their own sharing to do and from what I observed there are some changes within them....

Charraine managed to meet up with Fr Rufus at the very last moment...and I thanked & praised you O Lord...for granting it...

Hopefully we will get to meet Fr Rufus again...may be in 2011....till then God bless all

Sorry...this time no photos to share...because I purposely left my papaarazzi time...

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Photos from Gawai Break 2009 (Part 2)

Just sharing some of the photos taken during Gawai....

Gawai 2009 Break - Rh Jack Sigi, Sera, Sebauh

Gawai Break 2009

Myself and girls..Yen & Yon went back to the longhouse on the 31st May, 2009...while daddy went back to Sibu to visit the family there. This year the longhouse folks celebrated Gawai with their new Tuai Rumah...Uncle Jack @ Apai Doris..mummy's cousin...gawai with a difference..

In the evening we all went to visit my great grandpa's resting place...say some prayers and reflections on his history...

1st June evening...we came back to prepare for Dato Tiong's gawai visit to Taman Tinggi...scheduled to be on the 2nd June.... does work...clever me...hahaaaa.....its been a long time and quite a while...too long a break i guess..but then its a good break..a much needed one...Gawai 2009 is officially over..but the celebration still goes on...nyau ka ngiling tikai gak...but then I am not too excited about it...enough of merry making for now...time to move on...that's for me..i have to tackle the next challenge now..,preparing my daughters for their public examination...PMR & SPM...arap ke Tuhan merkat semua pengawa seduai iya....ngiring lalu nunjuk jalai ke betul...Amen.

Hello there...the picture to the left is Our Lady Queen of Peace..Medugorje...I am learning how to post photos onto my blog....let's see if this works...God blesses every one reading this...