Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Letter to Mother Mary

Sharing with all of you what crosses my pathway this morning...a loving letter to our blessed Mother Mary who silently watches over us,continuous interceding for us,enfolding us in her loving arms,guiding and protecting us at all times.

Dearest Mother...

Today I met a stranger
Even though a brief encounter, it got me to wonder.
You know I am a sinner, yet you have made me a winner.
Sometimes when I look at what I have and
then compare it to what I would like to have, I am very disappointed.
Then at other times when I look at what I have and compare it to what I truly deserves, I kneel in gratitude to You, for I deserve nothing....

You have always been by my side.

You have shared my most profound happiness and deepest sorrows.
You have laughed with me.
You have cried with me.

When the burdens of this world seems to crush,
When the tide of despair seem to drown me and when life seems so bleak and there seem to be no reason to live a moment lo
In Your own way you were there...
Sometimes in the form of a friend, sometimes in the form of a stranger...
But Mother, most of all...
Thank you for all the times when you were there and I did not even know it.

Dearest Mother...
Help me to emulate You
Give me the grace and the strength to be hu
mble like you...
for humility is the virtue upon which all other virtues are build on.

help me to be charitable and generous, so as to be able to love like our Lord who loves unconditionally.

Mother Mary...
Please guide and help me to give back what you have always given me...
Give me the privilege to be your instrument...
Make me a lamp that gives light to those in darkness...
Transform me so that I am no longer a stranger to those whom You sent me to meet...
So that through me and because of You the stranger and I would be stranger no more but a reflection of You...a true friend to all.

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